Diaceutics Partners with Cornerstone AI to Elevate Laboratory Data Quality
Collaboration addresses fragmented lab data to enable faster, clinically relevant insights for pharmaceutical innovation

A Q&A with Yue Liu, Head Of Cloud Engineering
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Yue Liu, Head of Cloud Engineering

A Q&A with Andrew Howland, CTO & Co-founder
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Andrew Howland, CTO & Co-founder.

A Q&A with Sara Moore, Technical Director Data Science
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Sara Moore, Technical Director of Data Science

Cornerstone AI Adds Another $5 Million to Empower Biopharma and Healthcare Companies to Get More From Their Data
Customers achieve significant productivity gains by accelerating data cleaning from many weeks to a single day through rapid quality assessments and data pipeline improvements

A Q&A with Richard Kwock, Principal Data Scientist
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Richard KWOCK, Principal Data Scientist

Komodo Health Integrates Cornerstone AI Into its MapEnhance™ Offering to Deepen Volume of Real-World Insights
The move comes upon the completion of a successful pilot program in which Cornerstone's proprietary algorithms strengthened the fidelity of Komodo's Lab Results, a product available within MapEnhance.

A Q&A with Clara Oromendia, Co-founder & VP Data Science & Product Strategy
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Clara Oromendia, Co-founder and VP of Data Science & Product Strategy

3 of the Most Common and Offensive Healthcare Data Quality Issues
Errors in healthcare data can be hard to spot in the context of a complex dataset with many tables, fields, and patients. But sometimes the problems are so glaring that it feels offensive that they have not been remedied. We describe three common offensive data quality issues and discuss their implications. We use the word offensive in jest, but when you consider the stakes of healthcare data used for conducting research that inform on patient outcomes, it can be genuinely concerning.

A Q&A with Eugene Wang, Head of Product Engineering
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with Eugene Wang, Head of Product Engineering.

Introduction to SNOMED CT
If you're a healthcare data scientist or analyst, chances are you've come across SNOMED CT. But what exactly is SNOMED CT, and why is it so important in the world of healthcare data? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of this terminology, exploring its purpose and other details.

A Q&A with PJ Allen, Director of Data Science
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with PJ Allen, Director of Data Science.

A Q&A with co-CEO Mike Elashoff
Cornerstone AI is publishing a series of Q&As with team members to provide more information and context on their role at Cornerstone AI, as well as their professional background. This post is an interview with co-CEO Mike Elashoff.

What are the differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10?
In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, it is vital for healthcare data scientists and analysts to remain informed about the most up-to-date standards for medical codes. In this blog post, we will focus on two widely used diagnostic code systems called ICD-9 and ICD-10, which are highly prevalent in today's healthcare data.

The Essential Guide to Healthcare Data Prep
Welcome, healthcare data scientists and analysts! If you're just starting to work with real-world data, you've come to the right place. This guide aims to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare healthcare data for analysis. We'll dive into understanding the data's structure, performing necessary pre-processing tasks, and identifying potential errors. So let's get started!

Key Takeaways from ISPOR 2024: Insights for Healthcare Data Scientists and Analysts
Mike Elashoff and Viraj Naranayan attended ISPOR 2024 in Atlanta in May, where conference participants discussed real-world data standardization, ensuring representative datasets and the challenges of improving data quality.

Clearing the Path: How Cornerstone AI is Reshaping Data Dynamics in Life Sciences
Cornerstone AI co-CEO Viraj Narayanan reflects on the promise and challenge of turning real-world data into usable insights.

Unleashing the Power of AI and ML in Drug Development: Insights from the DIA Conference
The recent DIA conference shed light on the exciting prospects of harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in these crucial realms. Hear our summary and some thoughts on what we’re hearing about AI in the drug development space.

The Building Blocks of Solid Documentation
Cornerstone AI Data Scientist, Sara Moore explores techniques to writing and distributing effective documentation.